Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Richa 47 Comments

Happy Monday people! Lets start the week with this easy ad delicious Baked French Toasts. This is no ordinary French Toast. The bread is soaked in a batter and crusted with coconut and sugar. And served up warm with strawberries.

Make the batter, layer Coconut flakes on the bottom, layer french toasts, sprinkle liberally with more coconut shredsand some sugar and bake. The toasts bake up quickly and beautifully, are mildly sweet, chewy and coconutty, and are a must must make. Each ramekin serves 1. There is no added Oil and the french toast batter is gluten-free. Use gf bread for a gf version.
Serve these with Strawberries on top. The toast warms up the berries and the flavors work perfectly together. Perfect for Father’s day Brunch!

More Sweet Breakfast options here.

Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (2)

The other daythere was an incident on the comment section that reminded me of a post by Steffi about Vegan Community needing more Teachers and Sales people.

At some point or the other, every one of us has been yelled at on social media or on the blog, questioning our commitment. Like Hey you cant be Vegan, because you use chocolate(if you forgot to mention you used vegan chocolate), palm oil butter(because of the deforestation and Orangutan killing associated with Palm oil), Coconut products(because in some countries monkeys are enslaved to pick coconuts) and so on.

I have accepted the fact that I cannot be vegan enough for someone or the other. I can relate to the anger too, because I went through the anger phase for a few months as a new vegan as well. Getting angry at people giving up on their plant-based diets, at flexi-tarians, at proud vegetarians who dont see where dairy comes from and so on, but notnecessarilycalling them names. I would be angry alone and try to work my way out of it.

The only thing that is created from all that anger is negativity.As Steffi mentions on her post, what we forget about the core of Vegan-ism, is compassion. Being kind to each other, to human humans, especially those who are already on your side. Everything can be mentioned kindly. All the anger is not really helping the animals. Passion is a great thing to have and we can use that passion to do more. There are shelters and rescues which always need volunteer help, There is activism, support activist groups in their events in the neighborhood, Vegan outreach like helping restaurants label already vegan options, giving them ideas on adding some other easy vegan versions of things, encouraging talks and discussion about our choices at social/school etc events. Holding fund raisers to help all the sanctuaries and rescue who work tirelessly on the front lines taking care of so many animals.

There is so so much more to do than bash someone, who already knows the meaning of the term Vegan, and is trying their best to embrace it in as many ways as possible.

Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (3)

On that note lets eat sweet.
Make this!

Sprinkle Coconut flakes on the bottom

Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (4)

Mix the batter and add bread to it.

Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (5)

Layer the bread in the ramekin

Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (6)

Top with coconut flakes and sugar.

Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (7)

Bake and serve hot with Strawberries.

Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (8)

Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts.
Allergen Information: Free of Dairy, egg, corn, soy, refined Oil

Makes 2 4.5 inch shallow Ramekins
French Toast Batter:
3/4 cup Coconut milk
2 Tablespoons Oat flour
2 Tablespoons raw Cashew flour (or Oat/spelt/sorghum flour)
1 Tablespoon flax meal
1 Tablespoon Coconut flakes
3 Tablespoons Maple syrup
a generous pinch of salt and cinnamon(or other spice of choice)

2-3 Slices of multigrain Bread or day old regular Bread chopped or torn into 1-2 inch pieces

1/4 cup Coconut flakes
1 Tablespoon ground Raw sugar

Mix everything under batter. Let the batter sit for 5 minutes.
Add bread to it. mix well to coat.
Sprinkle coconut flakes at the bottom of the Ramekins. about 1 Tablespoon per ramekin.
Layer the bread in the ramekins. I used shallow ramekins, so made 1 layer of bread.
Top the bread with coconut flakes. about 1 Tablespoon.
Then sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons ground sugar on top. Or use maple syrup.
Bake at preheated 400 degrees F for 15-17 minutes until the top is golden.
Serve hot with strawberries and maple drizzle.

To make Cashew and Oat flour, put raw cashews and equal amount oats into a blender and blend till evenly powdered. Use 1/4 cup(2+2 Tbsp) of that mixture.

You can also use 1/4-1/3 cup pancake mix, 2 teaspoons flax meal, 3/4 cup non dairy milk to make the french toast batter for a nut-free version. Or use any of your favorite vegan french toast batter recipes.
Add sliced strawberries or blueberries between 2 layers of the bread, in a deeper ramekin and bake for a stuffed French Toast.
Drizzle melted chocolate on top instead of maple for a Samoa cookie effect.
Add other spices, vanilla extract or rum extract.

This chewy coconuty goodness is being shared at Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, allergy Free Wednesdays, Rickis wellness weekend

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« BBQ Chickpea Tortilla Pizza. Vegan Recipe. Easily Glutenfree

Grilled Sandwich with Buffalo Millet, Red Bell Pepper, Creamy Ranch. Vegan Recipe »

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  1. Mary

    I dropped a vegan group last week after I shared a soup recipe with them. One person was upset and another called it road kill because the recipe called for bone broth. When I posted the recipe I told them to change it to vegetable broth, the only change needed to make it vegan. But then I decided not to continue with that group. I think it’s a positive thing when we can show how to make any recipe vegan.


  2. Alissa Saenz

    I made this for my family’s Christmas brunch and it was fantastic. I doubled the recipe and used one large baking dish. My family (of omnivores) loved it. Thanks so much!!


  3. Barb@ThatWasVegan?

    This looks ridiculously good! And I completely agree with you about ‘not being vegan enough’. It’s just silly. The only way you could be 100% vegan would be in you grew all your own food, made your own fertilizer, never drove, never left the house, etc. Hardly possible!


  4. Kristy

    I’m so sorry that someone decided to take it upon themselves to berate you. It breaks my heart when vegans bash other vegans (or ex-vegans) for their choices. It makes us as a whole look so judgmental which the exact opposite of the vibe we need to be putting out. Why would someone want to consider veganism for themselves if we behave like a bunch of judgmental haters. We need to practice compassion and try to understand each other before we judge each other.

    Also, these baked french toasts look divine- i love the individual portions! 🙂


    • Richa

      no worries Kristy. I have seen so much worse bashing on other sites and facebook. Its very worrysome when there is so much attacking within the community.

      i love individual portions of anything and everything:)


  5. Annie

    So far I’ve escaped any heavy online vegan-bashing, but sometimes it can get rough out in the real world when fielding questions and comments about my “diet.” Food is so, so personal – almost like discussing religion or politics. I do my best to keep my food choices to myself and not impose on others – but it seems some folks just spoil for a confrontation. There will always be those kinds of people, but what has been so clear to me since starting this blogging journal is that the loving and support vegan community is so strong it outweighs the nasties.

    Meanwhile…as I write this, I’m looking at my bowl of oatmeal with disdain. Please pass the French toast :-).


    • Richa

      yup. some people just spoil for confrontation in the real world. I just try to ignore them these days.



    Bashing on your site is just ridiculous. AS IF you could possibly be any more vegan than you are. Sheesh. I’m sorry girl, you so don’t deserve that. I’m seriously hoping to find the time to whip these up sometime in the next week. Maybe for my dad for a father’s day brunch whilst I’m at their house for the weekend. Love to you girl. Keep your head up. xx


    • Richa

      yes make these! whenever i get into these situation i channel hubbs. what would he do and then i dont get affected:)


  7. acookinthemaking

    Hi Richa,
    This recipe looks delicious! I should probably know this, but is oat flour what you can make by grinding rolled oats in a food processor? Or is it something else that I would need to buy…?
    Also, sorry that you had to deal with hateful comments. I really can’t understand why people feel a need to talk down to others, especially over the Internet, where it’s not even remotely a dialogue but just a one-sided bullying. Don’t let it get you down. Your warmth, compassion, and love for what you do shine through in every post on this blog and the other 99.999% of us really appreciate it!


    • Richa

      Thanks you <3 🙂
      yes its just ground up oats. i usually throw some in a blender and after 2 or 3 cycles, there is nice fine flour.


  8. Caitlin

    stunning, richa! i can almost taste that perfect coconut crust.

    it breaks my heart that someone would take the time to post hurtful comments to you. practice what you preach. how can a vegan be so nasty to another who’s heart is so obviously in the right place? hypocrites.


    • Richa

      I think he was just having a bad day, something got triggered. It happens. I hope it doesnt happen too often though.


  9. Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes

    Thank you for reminding all of us that being compassion is all to important- we should support one another best as we can. It is so easy for people to hide behind their computers and name call/harass/criticize- let’s see if they actually are brave enough to say it to your face, probably not.

    This french toast looks perfect for Fathers Day Brunch- book marking! Do you think I can make this the day before than bake as directed?


    • Richa

      I agree. It is easier to hide behind technology.

      it should work out fine if kept overnight too. You might have to bake it a few minutes longer for it to bake well inside.


  10. Abby @ The Frosted Vegan

    Agreed, someone will always have negative comments, but you have this lovely french toast!


    • Richa

      yes, i give french toast to distract from those negative thoughts!


  11. Lori

    One of my goals for this summer is to find good, vegan Sunday brunch items to make. This one is going to be tried this weekend…thanks!
    I find food choices to be very personal. I don’t bash people who choose to eat meat, dairy, or whatever (like my husband). I do try to set a good example and show how eating vegan isn’t based on deprivation. I always hope that the respect I show others on their food choices is reciprocated towards my vegan choices (not always successful but sometimes it works).


    • Richa

      Great! Let me know how it works out!
      I know right. It is far from deprivation. I eat so much more awesome stuff now. I cant imagine why I would eat all the same tasting non adventurous meals before 🙂


  12. Kalyani

    looks yummy …..


  13. Divya Shivaraman

    loved it as its baked to perfection…yummy


  14. Dixya

    Its just so sad when people leave negative comments on the blog. This blog is your space Richa and choosing vegan or not is your choice and I will always respect you for whatever you wish to do. Its all about whats making you happier and healthier and people can talk all the negative they want. On a different note – coconut is always a delightful addition to baked goods.


  15. Gena

    What a perfect way to start the day!


  16. Sunanda

    Lovely and so perfectly baked french toast and healthy too.
    Sunandas Kitchen


  17. dontfearthevegan

    Thanks for the mention! Some days are definitely more difficult than others. My commitment was questioned again this weekend because I shared that I ate Oreo’s with my grandpa. I was mostly impressed that at 85 he had anything at all for me to eat. We just need to remember at the the end of the day we are doing some good and where our heart is. The French Toast looks and sounds amazing!!


    • Richa

      Really. wow. Yes, at the end of the day we are already doing everything that we can and probably more. you’ve been putting in so much effort at the bake sales and girl scout sales. its super mom work! dont let a few comments bother you.


  18. Cardamom Bliss

    This vegan French toast looks amazing. I’ve never seen oat flour, but maybe I could throw a few flakes into the blender to make my own? I’ll definitely be trying your recipe, but maybe with a little vanilla and cardamom.


    • Richa

      Cardamom would probably add an indian touch to it.. somewhat like gulab jamuns 🙂


  19. Veena Theagarajan

    so yummy and sounds healthy too


  20. Richgail @AstigVegan

    I can’t believe there’s no oil in these french toasts. I’m excited to try this out.


    • Richa

      Yup, is you are serving it in ramekins, you dont really need any:)


  21. Marie Roxanne

    The “vegan police” are a sad bunch. I wish they didn’t exist.
    Even I know that the archives have non-vegan recipes, they couldn’t read that for themselves before spewing out their venom?
    I love your recipes and the non-vegan ones – we should be able to adapt them without a problem.
    I hope this only rustled your feathers and didn’t discourage you, you have your fans (like me) to worry about! (wink, wink)


    • Richa

      Thank Marie! Nope, I dont let that affect me much these days.
      Awesome vegan food is what will always be found on the blog!


    • Anonymous

      Vegan police? Who and what are you talking about. Vegan recipes are just that. Vegan. Animal free products and recipes for those who care about the food we eat and how it comes to our table. Yaaay for that!


  22. Katherine

    I was just craving French toast, thank you for sharing!! Wonderful post as well.


  23. Lacey @ Life Hands you Limes

    I love this post, the recipe and the writing. I 100% agree with you, a huge part of this chosen lifestyle is compassion and that compassion has to come through toward all of our fellow beings, four legged and two legged alike! No single person is perfect, but it is striving to make a better world for all that makes this such a wonderful way to live! Also, this recipe looks amazing!! If only I had seen it earlier so I could have planned it for my birthday breakfast- But I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to celebrate my birthday the next morning too with french toast right?? Haha!


    • Richa

      Thank you Lacey. Sure, you can celebrate your Birthday any day you want:)) again and again:)


Baked Coconut Crusted French Toasts. Vegan Refined Oil-free Recipe - Vegan Richa (2024)


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