Non-ladder trade
The price check will return results for Non-ladder trades only.
Ladder-only trade
The price check will return results for Ladder trades only.
Softcore trade
The price check will return results for softcore trades only.
Hardcore-only trade
The price check will return results for Hardcore trades only.
PC Switch Playstation Xbox Platform(s) Indicates which platform you are looking to price check on.
Filter price check results by item qualities such as ethereal, superior, sockets, unid etc.
Item Stats
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Class or Hireling
Filter price check results by items deemed 'good for' a specific class or hireling.
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Sorting options
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This resets the trade filter options to the dead defaults with no profile settings taken into account.
Select your default profile filters
Clicking this will select your default profile filters for SC/HC, Non-Ladder/Ladder, Expansion/Non-Expansion, and your main platform.
Apply filters (refine results)
Click to refine these price check results. This refreshes the results, applying any new filter selections you have made.
Note that the more filters you apply, the less results you will see; the filters work on AND
Resurrected Legacy Resurrected or Legacy Note that 'Legacy' means game versions and mods other than those in Resurrected. Basically the original vanilla D2 game or mods like PoD, SlashDiablo etc. Game Mode Note that 'Non-Expansion' means 'Pre-LoD in Resurrected' or 'Non-Expansion character in Resurrected' - this is different to Legacy (which refers to versions of Diablo 2 other than Resurrected). Region Note that you can trade with anyone in any region in Resurrected. This filter option only indicates that you are price checking for trades local to one region. Season Filter by Ladder Season. This filter only considers the date or 'timeframes' in which these ladders occurred, so you can check NL listings (around the same time) against this filter as well.
Amazon Assassin Necromancer Barbarian Sorceress Paladin Druid Good for this Class The price check will return results that match this custom opinion filter. Use this to browse items that are good for a particular class, for example traders will often apply this filter if their item has +to X class or skill tree modifiers. Good for this Mercenary type Used for price checking trades that are good for your current hireling. Modifiers The price check will return results of items that match any of the selected 'modifier' filters Handy if you're looking for a particular stat on an item. If you can't find a filter, use a keyword instead. Non-Ethereal Returns price check results for items that are not Ethereal quality. Ethereal Returns price check results for items that are Ethereal quality. Non-Superior Returns price check results for items that are not Superior quality. Superior Returns price check results for items that are Superior quality. Identified Returns price check results only for items that have already been identified. Unidentified Returns price check results for only for items that have been marked as unidentified (unid). No. of Sockets The price check will return filtered market results for the selected number of sockets. Perfect roll Returns price check results for items that have been marked as being 'perfect' rolls.
Recently sold (last 3d) Total results: 0
No price history. You may request an appraisal.
Total results: 0
Price Check another Item • Check the recent and historical price of any Diablo 2 item.
It appears you are trying to list or search for a charm. Please note that the correct notation is the full, in-game name of the charm including any affix names eg. Sparking Grand Charm of Vita. Do not add attributes or modifiers to the title.
It appears you are trying to list or search for a ring. Please note that the correct notation is the full, in-game name of the ring including any affix names eg. Fortuitous Ring of Fortune. Do not add attributes or modifiers to the title.
It appears you are trying to list or search for an amulet. Please that the correct notation is the full, in-game name of the amulet including any affix names eg. Amulet of the Whale. Do not add attributes or modifiers to the title.
It appears you are trying to list or search for a jewel. Please note that the correct notation is the full, in-game name of the jewel including any affix names eg. Sparking Jewel of Suffering. Do not add attributes or modifiers to the title.